If you compare anyone or anything to something that is the exact opposite, you're not just going to make people ask if you're joking- you ARE the joke.
Well we probably all knew this day would come- the day someone finally compared gay people to the Nazis. Little did anyone suspect however that this moron would be an ex-Archbishop of Cantebury: George Carey. Yes, as is increasingly the case these days, religion (a religion that explicitly commands 'Love thy neighbour' no less) has instead been used to encourage people to hate their neighbours.
Carey commented Christians who dared to speak out against the government's equal marriage reforms could face persecution similar to the Jews under the Third Reich: 'When they were called names that was the first stage towards that totalitarian state,... It's part of a slippery slope where the unintended consequences could be shocking.' A smooth move really when you think about it- comparing people who were systematically exterminated by fascists and totalitarians... to fascists and totalitarians. It's such a spectacular piece of bigoted nonsense that I'm surprised Melanie Phillips didn't write it in the Daily Mail first.
While this is the first time Carey has gone that far, he has frequently been openly outspoken in his opposition of gay relationships, let alone marriage- notably in 1998 at the Lambeth conference, 2002 on Breakfast with Frost and again at Lambeth in 2010.
I mean let's not overlook the above too quickly- comparing a previously abused minority to people who abuse minorities. Not only is it offensive in the extreme but it is also utterly redundant. Evidently Carey's nose spends far too much time poking around other people's private areas, but I don't compare it to a dildo. And why? Because they are such different things that to draw such a comparison would be nonsensical... as is comparing opposing gay marriage to Nazism.
Of course, I'm not going to deny George Carey his right to offend- being an asshole is something we've come to expect from religious homophobes. My point is only to point out how not to be taken in by such rubbish. If people can't see this bigotry for what it is then there is very little to hope for when anyone comes to vote. A minority is perceived as a prevailing opinion because they say things loudly. This is why nobody has dared make a move on gay marriage- an issue most people apparently think of as a no-brainer. 71% of the population in Britain support gay marriage. Those who do not are now a minority (a very loud mouthed stupid ignorant minority who think using God as a cover for hate constitutes an argument) and yet they cannot see this. Archbishop Carey is just the latest in an ever dwindling crowd of people who have yet to realise that their views do not empower them; they turn them into a living joke.
Let me repeat that: 71% of British people support gay marriage. Only 53% of Americans support gay marriage and yet they're AHEAD of us on this issue.
By the way, last year, in 2011, over 80 reports of clerical pedophilia hit the headlines (many of the 80 individuals accused by more than one person). Ok that's a lot of perversion when you're trying to take a stand against it. How about dealing with the skeletons in the Church's closet before complaining about who comes out of theirs.
Therefore, in the interest of mercy, I'll stop making fun of the Archbishop and leave him to his impotent rage.
So who came out in favour of the Archbishop's words at the Tory party conference? Ann Widdecombe. Someone who has openly declared that she has no need for sex whatsoever in her life now thinks they can judge others on their existent sexuality. Give her credit, though, at least she, unlike the Archbishop, has a good reason for wearing a dress to work. However, not to be too derogatory, just looking at Ann Widdecombe suggests to me that she should really start supporting gay rights. Because, dear readers, if ever there was a woman who instills men with less of a sense of heterosexuality, this is her. I rest my case.